Optimize Recovery for Cycling-Related Injuries with Winback

Optimize Recovery for Cycling-Related Injuries with Winback

Cycling is an exciting sport, but unfortunately, falls and resulting injuries, as we have seen these days on the roads of the Tour de France, are common. For physiotherapists, having powerful tools to aid in the recovery of injured riders is essential. The latest additions to the Winback range, BACK4 and BACK3TX devices, offer an innovative and comprehensive solution to optimize the treatment of cycling-related injuries. With the ability to simultaneously combine tecar therapy, Hi-TENS stimulation, and muscle reinforcement with Hi-EMS current, these devices accelerate healing, manage pain, and optimize recovery.

The TECAR + Hi-TENS combination for even more effective treatments

Cycling falls can lead to various injuries such as bruises, sprains, and fractures. Winback's BACK4 and BACK3TX devices are specifically designed to speed up the recovery of these injuries. The use of TECAR current stimulates deep tissues, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, and thus promotes tissue repair and inflammation reduction. Hi-TENS stimulation, on the other hand, helps block pain signals, providing immediate and lasting relief to injured cyclists.
Fractures are also common injuries among cyclists. Post-fracture rehabilitation is essential for promoting healing and restoring function. Once again, BACK4 and BACK3TX can play a key role in this process. With their different treatment modalities, they promote tissue regeneration, strengthen muscles, and improve flexibility. Tecar therapy, combined with Hi-TENS stimulation, accelerates recovery and allows cyclists to regain optimal mobility faster. They enable physiotherapists to provide comprehensive and effective treatment, promoting faster recovery and confident return to activity.

Hi-EMS, used in recovery as well as prevention

In addition to treating injuries, BACK4 and BACK3TX devices can be used for injury prevention and performance optimization in cyclists. Thanks to Hi-EMS muscle reinforcement, these devices selectively stimulate muscles, improve their tone, and strength. This helps prevent muscle imbalances, strengthen vulnerable areas, and enhance overall rider performance. This current is also very useful in post-exertion recovery, as it accelerates drainage through mechanical pumping, promoting the elimination of toxins and metabolic waste. Moreover, when combined with RET current, it creates deep vasodilation, increasing blood flow and lymphatic circulation, which promotes tissue regeneration and thus recovery for cyclists.
Physiotherapists specialized in treating cycling-related injuries can take advantage of these innovative devices to offer their patients high-quality care, all in record time with the possibility of using up to three currents simultaneously. By integrating these devices into their treatment protocols, physiotherapists can provide a holistic and personalized approach to treated cyclists, helping them regain or maintain their form. If medical teams like Groupama-FDJ or the French Cycling Federation have equipped themselves, it is no coincidence...

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